

Imprint, picture credits & realization

Service provider

Starzinger GmbH & Co KGE-Mail: [email protected]
Bahnhofstraße 1Phone: +43-7684-6444-0
4890 FrankenmarktFax: +43-7684-6444-19
Managing Director:Mrs. Ludmilla Starzinger
Company register number:FN 223140 y
Place of jurisdiction:Wels
Authority:BH Vöcklabruck
Object of the company:Production and trade of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages
Authorized signatory(ies)Mr. Wilhelm Wiesbauer, Dr. Patrick Moser, Victor Starzinger
Ara-Licence No.2700
Ownership structure100% Austrian family business
Accounting principlesAustrian Commercial Code (UGB)



Realization of the website:

GO.WEST Communications GmbH

  • Web design
  • Web concept
  • Technical realization
  • Creation and initial input of content
  • SEO and SEA


Terms and conditions: TERMS AND CONDITIONS

Whistleblower channel https://whistleblowersoftware.com/secure/Starzinger_Hinweisgeberkanal

Picture credits / Copyright

  • Starzinger
  • Unsplash
  • Pexels
  • partly AI generated images